I had my appointment at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton on Friday. I spoke first to Dr Andre Brunetto about phase one trials and he explained that I would have to be off any other treatment for 4-6 weeks before entering any trials, as they wouldn't know if any subsequent results were from the trial or my previous treatment.
He also said that the whole point of the phase one trials is principally done to find a safe dose .
They give a low dose first, whilst staying in the hospital, then they increase the dose to the full amount the drug company says is appropriate. Then they monitor for a few days, then once a week to check on the side effects.
I also may not be given drugs that are meant for my condition, but they would be cancer drugs.
In fact one man with mesothelioma, the same as me, was given a drug for another type of cancer, but it seems to have had a remarkable effect on his own cancer. This is good news but does make me wonder if my doing trials is a good thing or not. I wouldn't like to be made ill for a drug that isn't even meant for my type of cancer.
I would however like to know the name of the drug that seemed to work for that one man!
The more senior Dr Banerji said that they don't know if the drug is good for mesothelioma, or just happened to really suit this particular man. They haven't yet had enough people try it. They like to have three people at each stage of the trial.
Both Doctors were able to answer my questions and said it would be entirely up to me. Also I could leave a trial at any time without question.
They currently have about thirty-five active phase one trials going on.
The upshot of the meeting was that I would continue with my German treatment, which I had already intended to do. Once the treatment was finished, or if it doesn't work after three treatments, they would see me again.
They did say that they would want me to exhaust any other treatments first. So I guess the trials are done as a last ditch attempt.
I have some thinking to do.
I have had all weekend to think about this matter and still haven't made a decision. I guess I will wait and see if the first German treatment has worked. There are three scenarios, either it didn't work and the cancer is still growing, or it is stabilised, or it has reduced in size. I will know by this time next week.
My photo is of a Cuban Lady. She earns her living by posing for photographers for one tourist peso per picture. This is worth ten of their own pesos and valued at about £1.00.
I have just got back from my ten pin-bowling league and got 136, 159 and 91. You can tell I'm not in the top end of the league can't you. I am somewhat of a erratic bowler.
About the same as my golf actually.