Monday 19 July 2010

Back to Germany

We are off to Germany for treatment again on the 9th August and I hope that just one area is growing again. I guess I will find out. I don't know whether it will be chemoembolization, or chemoperfusion, the Prof. just said ' local intraarteiral in the involved areas' in his email.

We will be going by BA, so I hope they don't go on strike again.

I wonder how often I can have this treatment before it stops working any more? I know mesothelioma stops responding to chemotherapy drugs eventually.

There is a lot of research going on for a cure so hopefully something will be discovered whilst I am still fit enough to be treated.

I am so pleased that things seem to be working out for my lovely daughter Emily. She now has parts in a musical comedy in August and a show in Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket in September. In both parts she is singing, which is quite new for her as acting is her first choice.

My lovely grandson will be three on Wednesday, a birthday I thought I wouldn't see.

Today's painting is a watercolour of a Mediterranean arched doorway.

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