Saturday 6 March 2010

Mistletoe follow up.

I have had my follow up appointment with Dr. McGavin re the mistletoe. He says I must have a lively immune system as I reacted so much to it.. I am to wait until the first injection site has settled down and the swelling is gone before injecting any more. Then I am to go on a quarter dose and see what happens. If that takes a week to settle then I wait that long until I inject again, all in all not bad.

The good news is that the homeopathic medicines the labour MP's want to take away from the NHS does not include the mistletoe as they are Anthroposophic and not homeopathic so this is excellent news for me and others.

Finally I have got the drops Valerian from the chemist who took two weeks to get them in. They will hopefully help me to sleep as it that difficult for me now.

There are rumblings on the internet about a vaccine that is given to mesothelioma patients which uses the patient's own [dendritic cells] to present tumour-associated antigens and thereby generate tumour-specific immunity.It's not a vaccine in the traditional sense: It doesn't prevent disease. But like any vaccine, it triggers the immune system to attack an intruder, in this case, the cancerous cells. Dendritic cells are a form of immune system cell

My picture this time is one my Daughter Emily did at school when she was 14 years old. I have always liked it and have it framed at home. It is of the Museum building in Maidstone.

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