Friday, 30 September 2011

Chemo delayed.

I have had my two doses of Venorelbine chemo, but I am not recovering so quickly this time. They did increase the dose by 25% and this seems to have made a big difference. It has left me weak and exhausted, sleeping a lot and a bit emotional. I was in this state when I went to the hospital to see the chemo nurse to check I was OK to continue the chem. Although my bloods were good, as I was quite run down, and even wretched while I was with her, she declined to give me the chemo and said to put it off for a week, then see the Oncologist. He is the only person who can stop the course of chemo which worries me a bit if I don’t feel any better. I will go in with a big smile on my face and be as upbeat as possible to persuade him I am fit enough. However, I am improving each day, so fingers crossed.

My persistent cough has not gone so my G.P gave me some antibiotics, which I find makes me sick, this is why I wretched, which happened when with the chemo nurse, confirming her position about my fitness for the chemo. I now take an ant sickness pill at the same time, which seems to be helping, but the cough is not going, so it wasn't a chest infection. My GP thought it wasn't but said the antibiotics won't do me any harm, so worth a try. I have to take the whole course so have to keep taking them until Sunday.

A nurse friend suggested taking Tramacet for the pain and I have some from a previous visit to the Doctor. The packet was full so I had not needed to use any. Within hours of taking the Tramacet I was being very sick and couldn't’t control it with the meds I had. It got so bad we had to call in the Doctor on call and she gave me an injection for the sickness. This too didn’t work, so I went to bed, as lying down seemed to help. I realised that I was allergic to Tramacet as the next morning the sickness had gone. I seem to be allergic to so many helpful drugs, which is a nuisance.

I have had some serous pain and the Hospice Doctor has given me Oxy-norm which works, but leaves me feeling very drowsy. Medicines are all about swings and roundabout, doing some good but giving harsh side effects.

I am now hoping upon hope the oncologist doesn’t take me off the chemo, as this is my last chance of any treatment. He might reduce the dose which would be a disappointment as I want the chemo to work as effectively as possible.

On a brighter note, my little sister if off to Italy, for a couple of weeks with her son, his wife and two year old daughter, but I think they are very anxious for her. I must say I am a bit concerned too as she can’t get insurance and may need treatment whilst she is there. Also her red blood cell count is down to eight, normal is eleven to thirteen. She is to have a transfusion, but not until she returns. However, she is a very brave lady and I admire her courage to make the best of her shortened life.

My picture is of our Grandson Joseph at his first day at school. He looks so grown up but is only four years and two months old, but he is enjoying going and is always happy to get there, so this is good. He went to nursery school so he is used to a long day without Mum and Dad, I think this helped. Also he has started school with a good friend of his and also knows some of the other children from nursery. He certainly looks happy enough.

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